Yes, I’m counting down…

I want to start off with a little observation I made while waiting for the bus, because it has been a while since I’ve shared any of my public transportation-related epiphanies, but mostly because I found it pretty funny.  I was sitting on a bench, waiting for the bus, when I saw an El Camino waiting at the stop light.  And I thought to myself, “The El Camino is like the mullet of automobiles.”  Which seems extra apt, since the odds are pretty good that the driver of an El Camino is sporting a mullet.

I had a touch of the Friday blues, but not so very bad.  On the plus side, I made some small, but certainly forward, steps:  I did the 20 minutes of cleaning I vowed I would start doing, I did a math worksheet to hone my math skills for the test, and I started setting up applications for grad school.  In some instances, it is a little on the early side – I wasn’t planning to fill out the applications, only to suss them out, to see what I would need to pull together.  And, in many instances, I had to set up an electronic application to get a sussing chance.  So while I was there….Nine days from now, I’ll start making a list of what I want to put in my “Personal Statement,” other than “please please please let me come to your school – I’m too nerdy for the outside world.”  Oh, and I suppose I should get cracking on my final three papers due this semester.  I have it written in my schedule to have theses for my two French Lit papers by Sunday, and to have the third book read for my Sociolinguistics paper.  It is supposed to be breathtakingly gorgeous outside; I will try to forget what happened to me the last time I tried to study outside (Splat!) and study outside.

Oh yes, and I plan to take a practice test tonight.